Off the What?

2 thoughts on “Off the What?”

  1. Looking forward to more! I found interesting your comment about those wanting to go off the conveyor but finding they are ill equipped for life without controls. More specifically entrepreneur wannabes who don’t have the needed grit and discipline.

    1. Yes! In particular, I met a twenty something who was bemoaning the idea that he thought he would have “made something of his life by now.” He wanted to be respected, known, and “making it.” I thought about myself at that age. I hadn’t had any children yet (meaning I was completely selfish), I was in the first 5 years of my career, and I was just learning so many new things about the way the world works, and making up my mind about things like life in a big company. I definitely hadn’t suffered or learned how to live through affliction of any kind. I’m not sure what he meant, but I feel like our culture exults young celebrities who have “made it.” But the media doesn’t cover all of the people who helped that person and supported him/her, and neither do they cover individual cases of loss, depression, lack of stewardship, and the death and destruction that come about as a result of early success.

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